Taters 'n' Eggs Spring Fest
20 March - 9 April 2023
(Ostara - Easter)
"Eggs Are So Pricey, We're Painting Potatoes!"
WHAT: SIM-SIZE FESTIVAL & HUNT -> Fun, Parties, and Gifts!
- Painted Egg--er, Potato--Hunt - with unique, FREE prizes!
- Live DJs & Performers
- Dances and Parties!
- Formal King & Queen Ball - enter and/or vote for the royal court :)
- Gift themes: Spring, Ostara/Equinox, Eggs, Potatoes
WHERE: Haunted Nawlins in FLOX (128/128/28)
WHO: Anyone who wants to participate! Come hunt and party! :D
VISIT -> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flox/128/128/28
Sponsored by ~Lantian/Flox~
Questions? Organizer: Wyvern Dryke
What Are You Hunting?
These are the five designs for painted potatoes hidden around the sim.
Note: there are more than five prizes :)
Important Links
Participating Merchants & Hints <- look here to help find hidden taters!
Prize Pictures
I'm commenting because nobody else has :-P Just because!