Hunter FAQs

FAQ for Hunters:


What does the Hunt Item look like? 

Golden Mardi Gras beads.  They have some shine, and are around 1m across.  Here is a picture:

How much does it cost?

There is no cost - this hunt is FREE.

What are the Rules for Hunt Items?

Hidden Hunt Items are required to be:

  1. Somewhere within 30m of each store's arrival spot.

  2. NOT fully contained within something else (unless it has an open end like a vase).

  3. Accompanied by 10 or fewer decoys (visible, named, or otherwise).

How to find participating merchants? 

Three ways!

  1. Inside the FIRST Hunt Item, which is at Flox Sim, there is a "Morte Gras Hunt - Tour HUD."  Wear that to jump around participating merchants.

  2. Use the website that's linked to the Tour HUD:

  3. Use the list on this blog of Participating Merchants. :)


How do I get help finding hidden items?

  • Join our NEW group: "Haunted Nawlins Events" in SL.  Ask your fellow hunters there!
    Copy-paste this into local chat, hit return, and click the link that results:


  • Suggestion: if no one is available in the above group, possibly try Historical Hunts, Ltd..  They are a friendly group familiar with many of these merchants, who may be willing to help. :)
  • Please DO NOT bug the merchants.  It is not polite.

  • If you are truly stumped, please move on to another merchant. That's why we published the entire list--so you don't have to find them all, before proceeding to the next.




