Haunted Nawlins FAQ
Q. Which HUD version do I want?
A: There are two versions: Free or Deluxe. Both allow you to trick-or-treat and collect points, which you can then trade in for prizes at the French Market...
- FREE version gives points + 10% chance of getting Special Treats from the trick-or-treat doors.
- DELUXE version gives points + 100% chance of getting the Special Treats (which are randomly generated 1 out of 5 times). Deluxe version also includes a Limited Edition wearable pumpkin filled with candy... Human, Tiny, and Dinkie sizes!
Q: How do I interact with the animesh characters?
A: Click them to talk with them. Only the ones with name tags talk back.
Q: Where are the free prizes?
A: All over the sim....
- Trick or Treat doors have a 1 in 5 chance of giving Special Treats (mostly candy, for humans, Tinies, and Dinkies).
- The Guest Merchant Area has Gift Pumpkins--just click to get a folder!
Guest Merchant Area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flox/69/58/23
- Once you collect enough points on your Trick-or-Treat HUD, go to the French Market to click the golden pedestals to trade your points for prizes.
French Market: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flox/212/204/23
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